White Sage Sticks

Regular price
$5.00 USD
Sale price
$5.00 USD
Regular price

White Sage:

*White Sage Sticks 4 inch
*Premium Quality *Sustainably sourced *Naturally grown
*Harvested in California.

*White Sage is used to cleanse, purify, and raises the vibration of your space, making it a sacred space for ceremony, meditation, or creating. 
Smudging rituals assist with spiritual work, draws in positive energy, removes unwanted energy, and helps to ground you. Inviting peace, positivity, and compassion.

*To use:
Hold the bundle away from you, light it with flame, and let the flame burn for a few minutes., blow out the flame, and set your intention to clear any unwanted energy from the space. Inviting in peace, harmony, grounding, and love.
* When done place the sage bundle in an abalone shell (this will call in the element of water) or a fireproof bowl, place the lit end down, gently tap the end a few times, and set it in the bowl it will put itself out after a few minutes. 
Creating a daily ritual with sacred smoke will keep you grounded and help you to receive insight.

Tip: No ash in the trash, collect and save your ashes in a bowl or jar when full take outside, facing East release ashes back to the earth.
Recycle and renew.

All orders ship, Reiki infused with a Blessing of Love & Healing.

3 White Sage Sticks:
1 White Sage Stick:
Free Shipping on orders $130+ and 30-Day Returns
All orders ship, Reiki infused with a Blessing of Love & Healing.  

White Sage is used to cleanse, purify, and raises the vibration of your space, making it a sacred space for ceremony, meditation, or creating.
Smudging rituals assist with spiritual work, draws in positive energy, removes unwanted energy, and helps to ground you. Inviting peace, positivity, and compassion.
*To use:
Hold the bundle away from you, light it with flame, and let the flame burn for a few minutes., blow out the flame, and set your intention to clear any unwanted energy from the space. Inviting in peace, harmony, grounding, and love.
* When done place the sage bundle in an abalone shell (this will call in the element of water) or a fireproof bowl, place the lit end down, gently tap the end a few times, and set it in the bowl it will put itself out after a few minutes.
Creating a daily ritual with sacred smoke will keep you grounded and help you to receive insight.

Tip: No ash in the trash, collect and save your ashes in a bowl or jar when full take outside,
facing East release ashes back to the earth. Recycle and renew.

All orders ship, Reiki infused with a Blessing of Love & Healing.


*White Sage ( Salvia Apiano )
*Premium Quality *Sustainably sourced *Naturally grown
*Harvested in California.


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